Scanning Mirrors

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Scanning mirror draft Tydex offers scanning mirrors of custom-made shape to achieve high stable reflective parameters in the limited range of AOI. In a system a couple of mirrors can be utilized that allows deviating incident beam into two flats. So called X-mirrors and Y-mirrors are emphasized.



Substrate material: KU-1, Si
Surface figure @ 633nm: l/10
Surface quality, scr/dig: 40/20
Clear aperture: exceeds central 85% of dimension
Dimensional tolerance, mm: ± 0.25
Thickness tolerance, mm: ± 0.25
Wedge, arc.min <=5
Range of scanning angels: user specified
Coating: dielectric, metal-dielectric, metallic; user specified
Damage threshold, J/cm2: 2-5, depending on coating spec.

No. Title Overall dimensions, mm Thickness C, mm Range of AOI, arc. deg
1 X-mirror 18 11.5 1.5 45
2 Y-mirror 22 15.5 1.5 45
3 mirror 65 55 10 30-45
4 mirror 75 40 10 30-45
5 mirror 80 30 10 30-45

Here is an example of the scanning mirror coating:

Si scanning mirror, HR (R>99%) @1064 nm and (R>90%) @633 nm AOI=45°

Fig. 1 Si scanning mirror, HR (R>99%) @1064 nm and (R>90%) @633 nm AOI=45°.

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